[Slapt-get-devel] New Slapt Update Script Available

SiegeX siegex at atozcomp.com
Sat Jan 29 15:53:52 EST 2005

Hi all, I just wanted to inform those who already use my script, and 
espeically those who don't even know about it, that there is a new version 
available for my Slapt_Update script (See FAQ#42).

This bash script will notify you via email about new Slackware packages as 
they become availible. This new version of the script has the following 

* Sends an email notification that includes the list of packages that have 
been updated along with the new changelog excerpt
* Will optionally email you only the changelog excerpt when none of the 
updated packages are installed or they are on your Exclude list
* Ability to track either current or stable
* Ability to automatically download (but not install) packages when new 
updates are found
* Added the ability to have the script check for new versions of itself and 
email a notification if one exists
* Added more checks for errors to enhance robustness.
* Clean and efficient code

I recommend the following command to be run as root. This will download the 
script (preserving all formating), put it into /etc/cron.daily then make it 

curl -s http://www.atozcomp.com/slapt_update --output 
/etc/cron.daily/slapt_update && chmod 750 /etc/cron.daily/slapt_update

If you want to look at the code first grab it at 


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