[Slapt-get-devel] slapt-get 0.9.11e

Jason Woodward woodwardj at jaos.org
Sun Jul 30 16:09:04 EDT 2006

This release includes the following changes:

    * show disk space warning *after* showing how much is to be downloaded
    * suppress the warning when opening the ChangeLog.txt fails (for installed packages)
    * --remove-obsolete now works with --remove as well as --dist-upgrade
    * added support for downloading compressed ChangeLog.txt.gz
    * updated Polish translation with small updates from Lukasz Stlmach
    * updated documentation (thanks sky at hi.eclipse.co.uk)
    * updated German translation
    * updated FAQ
    * updated pt_PT translation
    * updated japanese translation 

Files and documentation available at http://software.jaos.org/#slapt-get

Jason Woodward
woodwardj at jaos.org

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