[Slapt-get-devel] Slapt-get Update Notifier Script

SiegeX siegex at atozcomp.com
Tue Oct 26 23:24:07 EDT 2004

I wasn't having much luck with the current slapt-get update notifier script when using it with -current so I decided to write my own in good 'ol bash.  I believe it turned out very nice and it's as short, sweet and to the point as I could make it.  It basically works by checking to see if the changelog has been modified since the last time the script was run.  I do this by grabbing only the header info, not the entire file so its very easy on bandwidth.  If the changelog has been modified it will update the changelog date and email you the names of the packages that have been updated as well as the additions to the changelog.  Additionally, it will download those packages if you set DOWNLOAD="1".   Toss this into a daily cron and you should be set.  All questions, comments welcome.


----------------------START CUT---------------------------


#           CHANGE THESE VARIABLES            #

MAIL_FROM="slaptget at atozcomp.com"
RCPT_TO="siegex at atozcomp.com"

#     DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE             #

if [ ! -f /etc/slapt-get/changelog ]; then
   curl -s "${CHANGELOG}" --output /etc/slapt-get/changelog
   curl -Is "${CHANGELOG}" | grep "Last-Modified:" > /etc/slapt-get/changelog.last

curl -Is "${CHANGELOG}" | grep "Last-Modified:" > /tmp/changelog.last

if ! diff /tmp/changelog.last /etc/slapt-get/changelog.last; then
   curl -s "${CHANGELOG}" --output /tmp/changelog
   CHANGE_DATA=`comm -13 /etc/slapt-get/changelog /tmp/changelog`

   slapt-get --update
   PKG_UPDATES=`slapt-get --upgrade --simulate | grep "^The following packages will be upgraded:$" -A 1`

   if [[ "${DOWNLOAD}" = "1" ]] ; then
      slapt-get --upgrade --download-only

   mail -s "New Updates Available" -r "${MAIL_FROM}" "${RCPT_TO}" <<-EOF

   # Changelog Excerpt


   mv /tmp/changelog /etc/slapt-get/changelog
   mv /tmp/changelog.last /etc/slapt-get/changelog.last
   rm /tmp/changelog.last

--------------------------END CUT-----------------------------------------

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