[Slapt-get-user] Slapt-get using cron

SiegeX siegex at atozcomp.com
Tue Jan 4 04:33:00 EST 2005

> I don't think it's really intended to be an unadtended
> installation tool. It's expacted that you read the stuff that comes down
> the pike about updates so you know if something can't be installed with
> slapt-get.

I fully agree with this and if you use the simple bash script I wrote which 
is linked in the FAQ #42 @ http://www.atozcomp.com/slapt_update  you will 
notice that all it does is compare the current changelog with the last 
version of the changelog you downloaded.  If they are different, it will 
email you a notification that new packages are available (along with the new 
changelog entries) and it will optionally download the new packages for you 
automatically.  However, it *will not install them*, you still need to run 
'slapt-get --upgrade' manually. 

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