[Slapt-get-user] slapt-get 0.10.1 and gslapt 0.5.1

Jason Woodward woodwardj at jaos.org
Mon Dec 15 01:06:14 EST 2008

-- slapt-get 0.10.1
This release features the following changes:
    * fixed an initialization errror in slapt_is_required_by() that caused a segfault when
removing with --no-deps.
    * if no package sources are defined with a priority, disable use of priorities when dealing
with /patches. This prevents the previous default slapt-get behavior from changing and causing
confusion. With priorities, /patches is always assigned +1 above the package sources priority.
So if no priorities were in use then anything found in any sources /patches always trumped
anything else. This is probably the most correct behavior but it is still unexpected for
existing users. To get the correct behavior, assign a priority to one or more sources.
    * reordered priorities to "default < official < preferred < custom" as this seems to be
more intuitive. Having preferred less than official is confusing. 
Files and documentation available at http://software.jaos.org/#slapt-get

-- gslapt 0.5.1
This release features the following changes:
    * determine possible downgrades even with respect to priorities and allow the package
action menu to provide a downgrade option
    * better status labels in the package description when upgrading, installing, reinstalling,
and dowgrading packages
    * updated for libslapt 0.10.1 compatibility
    * use the actual file extension when printing the package name while downloading
    * fixed the show upgradeable view to account for package priorities 
Files and documentation available at http://software.jaos.org/#gslapt

take care,
Jason Woodward
woodwardj at jaos.org

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