[Slapt-get-user] slapt-get 0.10.2l and slapt-src 0.3.2b

Jason Woodward woodwardj at jaos.org
Sun Oct 9 12:23:44 EDT 2011

This release of slapt-get features the following changes:
    added dep, conflicts, and reverse dep unit tests
    Do not return 1 from slapt_get_pkg_dependencies if no dependency
    fixed reverse dep lookup to make sure the match is exact
    only create directory structure if chdir succeeded
    remove inclusion of deprecated curl/types.h
    explicitly link in libcrypto
    Fix resource leaks on error paths

Files and documentation available at http://software.jaos.org/#slapt-get.

This release of slapt-src features the following changes:
    --build name:version no longer auto installs

Files and documentation available at http://software.jaos.org/#slapt-src.

take care,

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