[Slapt-get-user] Mozilla & Gnome problem after --update

Verachten Bruno Gounthar at gmail.com
Thu Sep 23 05:07:48 EDT 2004

> It always makes sense to check the changelog for notes before upgrading,
> though honestly, I rarely do.  And I've had very few problems.
That's my first problem with slapt-get...

> And if you're going to use the current tree, then stick with the current
> tree.  If you're trying to mix some elements of 10.0 with current, things
> are going to break.
Ok, I didn't realize that, because I never had any big problem before now.

> if you need to roll back to an older version, it's as simple as changing
> your SOURCE def in your slapt-getrc file to the desired slackware version,
> doing a slapt-get --update and then slapt-get --install --reinstall
> desired_package.
I will try to stick to the current version, and remove every source
still in 10.0.

> Slapt-get is not going to do your thinking for you.  You have to be
> smarter than the computer.
Bad luck, I'm not ;-)

Bruno Verachten

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