[Slapt-get-user] Not Working As Expected

Jason Woodward woodwardj at jaos.org
Tue Aug 22 17:45:11 EDT 2006

Hi Rich,

>    Following the directions on the web site for enhancing
> /etc/slapt-get/slapt-getrc, I added more repositories:

> SOURCE=http://www.linuxpackages.net/download.php?id=7528

This is not a valid package source.  Package sources are locations that point to a remote
directory that contains the packages, along with PACKAGES.TXT and CHECKSUMS.md5.  If you visit
this URL you'll see it is a page that contains links to mirrors of the top level FRG directory.
 This is also redundant with the following links.

> SOURCE=http://mirror.datapipe.net/norlug/frg/frg-2.12.3/
> SOURCE=ftp://ftp.brownjava.org/pub/frg/frg-2.12.3/

These both point to the same source which needs only be specified once. 

>    And, if I want to get gnucash-2.0.1 (from either linuxpackages.net or
> gsb.freerock.org), do I use 'slapt-get --install gnucash-2.0.1' as the
> command line syntax?

You should only need to specify 'slapt-get --install gnucash'.  If you really mean to specify
the version, you want it in the form of 'slapt-get --install gnucash-2.0.1-i486-1frg'.


Jason Woodward
woodwardj at jaos.org

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